Sunday, July 15, 2012

Basement Bathroom underway

Here's the bathroom we are currently adding to the basement; where Amanda's room is.  Our first order of business was to cut into the basement foundation for the drainage.  Then, we hired my brother Robert to stud in the walls and run the plumbing.
 David put in the insulation and ran the wiring.

Jim, David's dad, was very gracious and faithful to tape, mud and sand.  He did a GREAT job!

 The vanity is going to be on the left and cabinets will be where the holes are.  We had to leave that area accessible in order to access water shut-off, meter, and  main drain pipe.

 Walls primed.

We went with stick-down tile.  It was super fun to put down and fairly easy!  The open space ahead is where the vanity is going.

This empty cove is for the toilet. The shower is on the right side of the wall and the access panel (concealed with beadboard) is on the left.

1 comment:

Levi, Jenny, Marcus, Carson, and Cole said...

It looks wonderful guys!! You are doing such a nice job!